1 Berserk 1 Stormbreath Dragon 1 Underworld Breach 1 Surge to Victory 1 Rishkar's Expertise 1 Bident of Thassa 1 Galazeth Prismari 1 Veil of Summer 1 Electrodominance 1 Khorvath's Fury 1 Crucible of Worlds 1 Endurance 1 Kruphix, God of Horizons 1 Quandrix Command 1 Rhythm of the Wild 1 Cathartic Reunion 1 Mystic Snake 1 Maelstrom Wanderer 1 Prismari Command 1 Birgi, God of Storytelling 1 Archetype of Imagination 1 Sylvan Library 1 Vizier of Tumbling Sands